UGG is undoubtedly one of the trendiest winter footwear brands globally due to its cozy and uniquely designed Ugg boots.
But the question that’s always in contention among Ugg lovers is where this trendy footwear is made? I did some intensive research, and this is what I discovered!
Where are UGG Boots Made In 2025?
Most Uggs are made in China, the Philippines, and Vietnam by Deckers Outdoor Corporation. However, some genuine Uggs are still made in Australia and New Zealand, although they aren’t easy to find. With the different versions of Uggs in the market, look at the fabric sewn-in label on your Uggs to find out their origin.
To find out more about where Uggs are made, how to know if your Uggs are genuine, and more, keep on reading for more facts and tips!
Where Are Original UGG Boots Made?
Where original Ugg boots are made depends on the company that manufactures the trendy footwear in your shoe closet.
Deckers Outdoor Corporation manufactures its Ugg boots in Asian countries like China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Philippines, and even the United States.
This US-based company sources its sheepskin from tanning companies in China, and outsources cheap labor from these Asian countries as they try to break even.
On the other hand, since 1974, privately-owned companies like Australian Leather and UGG have manufactured Ugg boots and source their sheepskin from Australia and New Zealand.
Nonetheless, since Deckers manufactures Uggs from different countries, this doesn’t necessarily mean that these Uggs are not authentic.
Rather, Deckers Uggs are among the original and authentic Uggs in the market.
Fortunately, if you care about the origins of your Uggs before spending a dime on this trendy footwear, you only need to look at the sewn-in label, which indicates where they are made.
It’s important to note that Deckers has manufactured authentic Uggs in China, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Cambodia, the United States, and Cambodia for years now.
Are UGGs Made in China or Vietnam?
Ugg boots are made both in China and Vietnam.
UGG manufactures its products worldwide, especially in Asian countries, including the Philippines, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, China, and Vietnam.
The UGG brand is owned and trademarked in over 130 countries by Deckers Outdoor Corporation, based in California, United States.
Deckers Outdoor Corporation has factories in different countries.
These include Vietnam, China, Thailand, El Salvador, the United States, and Cambodia, where this footwear is crafted.
Nevertheless, most authentic Ugg boots are manufactured in Vietnam and China, since this American corporation outsources its production from the two countries.
Are UGGs Made in China?
Besides New Zealand and Australia, some authentic and genuine Ugg boots are made in China.
While you may have legitimate concerns about buying low-quality and counterfeit Uggs from China, most trademarked Uggs are made in China or Vietnam.
UGG sources its sheepskin from tanning facilities in China, which, in turn, sources the skin from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
Therefore, even though most UGG boots are made in China, they are authentic and genuine shoes, since they are made from original sheepskin.
Unless your pair of Uggs specifically indicates on the sewn-in label that they are made in New Zealand or Australia, chances are they are manufactured in China.
Are Any UGGs Still Made in Australia?
Although Deckers Outdoor Corporation mostly manufactures its UGGs in China, Vietnam, or the Philippines, this doesn’t mean that there are no Uggs still made in Australia.
Some Uggs are still made in Australia, although they aren’t easy to find.
It’s important to note that the Ugg boots still made in Australia are mostly manufactured by Australian-owned companies like UGG Since 1974 and Australian Leather.
By looking at the sewn-in label, you can confirm whether the pair of Uggs you intend to buy are made in Australia.
More times than not, Australian Ugg boots manufacturers proudly attach a label on their products with the words “Made in Australia” clearly indicated.
Which UGG Boots are Made in Australia?
While Decker’s Uggs dominate the international markets, Australian companies still make some original Uggs.
Buying these Uggs with the “Made in Australia” sewn-in label ensures that you support locally made products while supporting the Australian shoe industry.
Some Australian-made Uggs that you can find in the market include Waratah Ugg, Mozzie Sheepskin Hi Black, and Tidal Long Boots.
Other Uggs made in Australia include Australian Leather Buckle, Original Ugg Boots, Australia’s Ugg Boots, and the Men’s Classic Mid.
It’s essential to note that Deckers also manufacture some Ugg boots in Australia.
Are Outback UGG Boots Made in Australia?
All outback Ugg boots are made in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
This Australian privately owned company manufactures its Uggs at the workshop based in Queensland, Australia, and the entire staff also work with Australia.
The Australian-owned company claims to source its sheepskin from Australia and New Zealand.
However, the company can’t expand its UGG products overseas, since Deckers have trademarked the UGG brand in many countries.
Even so, all Outback Ugg boots have a sewn-in label that indicates that the footwear is “Made in Australia.”
Where Are Koolaburra UGGs Made?
Originally, all Koolaburra Uggs were made in Australia.
Koolaburra Uggs were owned by Koolaburra, a privately owned company based in California, United States, specializing in importing authentic Uggs.
However, Deckers Outdoor Corporation acquired the Koolaburra brand in 2015, and has since owned the brand.
That’s why most Koolaburra Ugg boots are currently being made in Vietnam and China, although they have been manufactured in Spain, Australia, China, and Portugal in the past.
How Can You Know Where Your Uggs Are Made?
To know where your Uggs are made, simply look at the fabric sewn-in label on your boots, indicating the shoe size.
All original Ugg boots come with this label held in place by side seams of the footwear, and indicate where the footwear originated from, such as Australia, China, or Vietnam.
If your pair of Uggs doesn’t have this sewn-in label, the chances are that you bought counterfeit Uggs.
This is because all manufacturers proudly display the origin of their footwear products.
In retrospect, Ugg boots are manufactured in different countries, as manufacturers try to find ways to reduce production costs and break even.
Luckily, if you’re enthusiastic about knowing where your pair of Ugg boots originate from, you can easily confirm this by looking at the sewn-in label attached to your footwear.