Skechers have been on the lips of the public since their arrival on the shoewear scene in 1992. Arguably, if you haven’t heard of Skechers, you may have been living under a rock.
That being said, if you are wanting to know what exactly Skechers are, what they’re known for, and more, keep on reading!
What Are Skechers In 2025?
Skechers are a sneaker brand focused on performance, quality, and comfort, as well as contemporary and classic styles of athletic and casual streetwear. Skechers has a rich history started by founder Robert Greenberg in Manhattan Beach, California, continuing steadily as the company markets its products to 12-25 year olds, as well as mature adults upwards of 50 years old.
If you are unsure of what Skechers are and don’t know where to start, keep reading, as you will soon be informed on everything there is to know about the brand!
What Are Skechers Known For?
The Skechers brand is known for its focus on comfort, quality fit, and performance.
Models like the Skechers Shape Up and Skechers Arch Fit were created to assist walkers with flat feet and balance.
Distinctively, Skechers are known for their chunky shape, 1990s aesthetic, and frequent unabashed celebrity splashed campaigns.
Are Skechers Good for Your Feet?
Some Skechers customers speak wonders of Skechers line of products, while others slam it for false advertising. Everyone from podiatrists to scientists and buyers have weighed in.
Skechers Arch Fit are shoes most consistently reviewed with good graces by podiatrists, especially for those who have plantar fasciitis, or flat feet.
Famously rebranding as a shoe “certified by podiatrists,” the hype does not speak for every foot doctor.
Reviews done by other podiatrists have been less glowing, citing the pliable base of the shoe to be damaging to the feet.
These claims are countered by a large quantity of customers who can talk enough about how helpful Skechers are for their line of work, level of activity, and balance.
What Does Skechers Stand For?
From the standpoint of the company, “skecher” is a name for a cool kid who has a lot of energy.
When looking for a name, founder Robert Greenberg implemented the suggestion of Skechers from his kids.
Skechers is a term based on 90’s era slang. While “skecher” held one meaning to Greenberg, it is also understood to refer to a person high on methamphetamines.
Recently, internet users have questioned if Skechers has always been spelled the same as in this article. Shockingly, there was a widespread misremembering of the Skechers being spelled with a T, as in “Sketchers.”
Why Are Skechers So Popular?
In 1993, Skechers hit big with the arrival of its Chrome Dome sneakers. The overwhelmingly positive response allowed the brand to build upon the urban and youthful style it created.
Subsequently, Skechers built on the street credibility it had with a slew of celebrity endorsements, which the company continues today.
Britney Spears, Demi Lovato, Christina Agulera, and Camila Cabello are only a few of the pop stars tapped on the shoulder to commercially represent Skechers.
The choice of these spokespeople align with the original target of Skechers.
Skechers, as of recently, have come back both ironically and unironically.
What Are the Most Popular Skechers Styles?
Skechers’ most popular styles for women are all “lifestyle” shoes, with a few top sellers being performance sneakers.
Skecher D’lites have been making serious rounds on young adult women thanks to social media.
For men, Skechers’ best selling shoes are activity based, with the Skechers Arch Fit and Summits topping sales on the brand website.
What Are Skechers Made Of?
Outside of the standard materials used to make sneakers such as suede, nylon, mesh, and leather, Skechers claim to fame is the use of memory foam.
Memory foam is a pressure reliever, and adjusts to the shape and firmness of whatever is impacting it, making it a nuanced choice for the sole of a shoe.
What Country Is Skechers From?
Skechers is an American company founded and based in Manhattan Beach, California since 1992.
Mistakenly, Skechers is sometimes thought to be a Chinese company, because most of the products are made in China.
Skechers imports from China and Vietnam, but that is the extent of its relationship with Asia.
Is It Cool to Wear Skechers?
Social media influencers and 90’s lovers have almost single-handedly resurrected Skechers youthful appeal.
Nostalgia has touched every area of life as we know it today, and fashion is no exception.
Undeniably, Skechers have been on the better side of cultural trends recently, but historically, they have not always been able to say the same.
Drifting in and out of the wake of trend cycles, it was not so long ago that Skechers were seen as a sign of embarrassment to young people.
In reaction to the hive mind, Skechers decided to age up its target demographic, but never fully neglected the young, urban market.
Skechers Shape Ups were designed with a mature wearer in mind. Interestingly, Kim Kardashian acted as a brand ambassador for this collection.
Who Is Skechers Target Audience?
Skechers strategically appeal to 12-25 year olds, as well as 50+ wearers.
Not many companies are interested in marketing to audiences on opposite sides of the age range. Interestingly, the mature shoppers are also at a parental age for the younger shoppers.
When a family goes into a Skechers store, every mom, dad, and the children can find something for themselves.
Preteen pop stars aren’t the only celebrities on the Skechers payroll.
In fact, NFL icons like Joe Montana, as well as money moguls like Mark Cuban are using their image to sell sneakers to the appropriate consumer.
Who Is Skechers Owned By?
Robert Greenberg owns Skechers, and has overseen the company since 1992.
Founder of 80’s era women’s athletic brand L.A. Gear, Greenberg saw a hole in the market strictly separated by gender.
His idea for Skechers originated from the desire to create an athletic brand for both men and women, which was never thoughtfully executed at that point in time.
How Much Are Skechers?
Skechers prices range from $25 to $200 in both mens and womens sizes. Childrens Skechers are priced between $35 and $65.
Asserting itself as one of the biggest and internationally visible brands, Skechers pricing is in line with those of its competitors.
Skechers are a name to know in the world of footwear, and the brand does its best to remind you of that. There are a minority of people who are not familiar with Skechers, and even less who have never heard of them.
As Skechers grows older, the company remains consistent in keeping brand awareness alive. And if you don’t know, now you do!